Sunday, June 8, 2014

Who wants to earn money from home? Read me :)

On this article I would like to share with you one of the things I do on my spare time. Actually, I do this full time now since I don't have a regular job that requires me to get up, dress up and beat the traffic anymore.
Um, I'm not proud of not having a regular job like most of you, but it's true. 

I have been doing this since 2010. It was my part time job before, but if you wanna make it full time it helps a lot too especially if you are a mom and would like to stay at home to take care of your kids. It's 100% legit.

I need to stop going around the bush, I am talking about QUICKTATE.

I'm sure some of you have heard about it or maybe even signed up already. Now, this is not networking, or some type of something wherein you'll earn money just by staring at your monitor. If that's what you wanted, go ahead and search somewhere else. Here, you will need to work in order to earn money, 'LISTENing and TYPing' to be specific.

If someone goes, 'Oh I don't have typing skills' well, me neither, at first. There are so many free typing lessons online. And you will have that skill over time, believe me. You should worry more about LISTENING SKILLS, but no need to be scared, because it will improve as well eventually. It will be fun.

There are some things you need to consider first before you apply.

*Do you have a computer?
*Do you have a reliable internet connection?
*Do you have a good quality headset or earphone? It doesn't have to be a fancy one. Just good enough for you to hear the audio clearly.
*Do you have a PayPal account? (When you sign up  for Quicktate, you will be asked for a PayPal email so if you haven't created an account on PayPal yet, you can click here )

Everything is checked? Go for it then. Here's the link:


This link says it all, Qualifications, Application Form, Quizzes, etc.

To be honest with you, I am also after the referral reward that they will be giving me in case you passed and earned enough. So if you wouldn't mind using my link to apply, please do. It will be greatly appreciated. If not, I have no control of your decision. Thank you so much!

You could stop reading, but if you would like to know more about some things that I wanna share, feel free to scroll down.

*I work from 10:00pm (Philippine time) until I reach my goal. So meaning, I work at night (Philippine time).

*My goal is $10 - $15 a day.

*Quicktate is 24/7. However, 9:00pm - 10:00am are the peak hours, sometimes until 12:00pm (Philippine time)

*The typing job Quicktate offer is voicemail audios. You are basically transcribing voicemails, converting them into texts. I shall say this is the easiest 'typing' job I've had!

*Once you passed and your account is activated, there will be additional jobs that will be offered as well. If you'd like to take the test for it, you can, and I know you will.

*For my PayPal, I use Unionbank EON Card to withdraw the money. It has the lowest fee. Other banks will charge you P150 aside from the PayPal's fee of P50. Unionbank EON Card has annual fee of P350, if I'm not mistaken. So P350 a year vs. P150 every withdrawal, you do the math. This is only for the ones residing in the Philippines, If you want to apply for UNIONBANK EON CARD click here.

*I don't use the built-in mouse on my laptop. Using a flat mouse (whatever you call it) will give you a hard time when you're working.

*Now, this may discourage you to apply, but it's totally up to you. Quicktate now has a background check fee. How much is it? $15. It is also stated on that link I provided. It's reasonable though because they will spend money to do a background check. Especially when you reside in the Philippines, it's a long distance thing. They have to protect the interest of the company so they need to hire responsible adults.

*You will also need 2 references.

*Finish your exam and make sure to proofread it before you submit.

Well, I guess you'll just have to use the comment box if you have further questions that won't be answered on the link I provided or on this article. I'll try to write another article about this in the near future. For now, feel free to ask me about Quicktate.

Thanks for dropping by.

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